One task a month

Yada Lee


  • Bangkok (for now)

  • Alpine lakes

  • Flowers, magpies, whale sharks

 February 2024

Task taken on:

For February I would like to make some progress with the strings for all project. I will finally be home and will have a chance to sort through the donations and will also make some arrangements with delivery etc.


 January 2024

Task taken on and completed:

In January I tried to use more stairs and less lifts. I did use more stairs overall but still not 100% of the time.

 September 2023

Task taken on:

For September I am taking stairs whenever I can instead of taking lifts or escalators. This is mostly for my own health and also to save electricity wherever I go.  


 July 2023

Task taken on:

I did not have a solid June task as life got a bit too hectic to focus. However as I am more settled in one country in July, and now I have more capacity to think of these things!

I want to always choose to walk over taking taxi or even bus. Which of course includes better planning ahead. This will also allow me to navigate and explore the city better and will hopefully improve my sense of directions. And of course it saves the planet and my own health. 

Also I want to make sure I don’t waste food. I have a tendency to buy a lot of delicious looking vegetables but with poor time management, a lot ended up rotten and not edible. I want to be more mindful when I shop that I know I will be able to cook these vegetables in time. It will also be helpful to learn more how to store different kinds of produce properly to extend their lives.  


 May - June 2023

Task taken on:

No task selected. 


 April 2023

Task taken on:

I want to tell one friend a week about Harmonic progression, plus I want to still eat vegetables everyday like in March but make sure I have enough protein each day. Whether it’s plant based or not. 


 March 2023

Task taken on:

As for my task. I did not have a February task but I did try to cut down meat again and it is going well. For March I will continue to cut down meat to only 1-2 times a week. I will also promise myself to eat vegetables everyday! In some forms, salad, stir-fry, snacks, etc. 

Why?: I want to improve my bloodwork and I want to eat locally sourced vegetables since I am in the tropical climate. I want to also cut down my carbon footprint. I also find that it improves my digestive system immensely! 


My task went well for March. I was eating lots of vegetables. My digestive system improved and I made my food delicious without adding too much sodium. 

However I found out that I was not eating enough protein (because I started training intensively at the gym as well) so I am going to work on that. 

Here are some pictures of my bowls. 

 January 2023

Task taken on:

I want to clean up my cloud space a little bit every day. Delete old photos and videos and organise my computer files. I have been behind and now it's messy. I think it will be a good start for the new year! Fresh and tidy! 


 December 2022

Task taken on:

Task: Only have meat once a week or less

I have always wanted to eat less meat but it’s been tricky when I was not living alone and did not have a functional kitchen. Now that I am on my own for the next month, I can prepare my own meals and be in total control of my diets. I also would like to become healthier and kinder to our earth. 


December task of cutting down on meat went well! I ate lots of vegetables and alternative plant based protein and I was able to cook and pack my own lunch for work everyday. I may have had meat more than once a week but overall it was a much healthier diet than the past several months.