One task a month
Tomáš Jamník
I travel a lot, especially between Prague and Berlin, but for now Berlin is my home. My wife Eva and I are raising there two children, Josefína and Tobiáš and there I can regain the energy for all my concerts and projects.
Anywhere by the sea, in recent years I have developed a passion for the Baltic Sea.
Sloths, ravens and squirrels!
I believe that artists should be aware of what is happening around them so that they can reflect it in their art. I feel that these tasks are a nice exercise - one could say an etude - to be more caring, more empathetic.
December 2024
Task taken on and completed:
This Christmas, we decided to have a real tree - here in Berlin you can be sure that trees are treated well, not just according to their price 🙃 Our kids love it, they literally hug it every day and it makes them happy. The decorations are mostly old ones that Eva and I brought from our old homes. The star above is new, we've always dreamed of having one, this one is handmade from paper.
April 2024
Task taken on:
For the month of April I have a serious task: I am investigating how some ecological tasks can be implemented in a concert venue. I begin by looking around to see if any concert promoters in the Czech republic are already doing this.
March 2024
Task taken on and completed:
I dedicated the whole month of March to the completion and opening of a new small studio / office / concert hall (🙃) in the centre of Prague. You can find some information about it (in English, haha, but maybe a translator will work?) on the crowdfunding page:
This new space is open to anyone passing through Prague who wants to meet here or even use it as a rehearsal room. We also hold morning concerts at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 - just to test out how it feels to listen to classical music in the earlier hours :)
February 2024
Task taken on:
For February - I'd like to read more. Apart from one book, I would like to read three articles about cultural and creative industries and how I can influence the spread of culture in smaller towns in the Central Bohemian Region (decentralization of culture).
January 2024
Task taken on:
Na měsíc leden bych rád zkusil nové tři vegetariánské recepty. Doma jíme hodně maso, tak to bude docela výzva.
English translation: For January I’d like to try three new vegetarian recipes. We eat a lot of meat at home, so it will be quite a challenge!
For January I completed my task and cooked three new vegetarian meals (two of them vegan). I think I'll keep doing it because it was not only educational (learning new recipes and talking about them with my family), but super tasty