One task a month

Jonathan Gerstner


(c) Andrej Grilc

October 2024

Task taken on:

My October task: not eating any chocolate... Oyoyoy difficult, I know....


September 2024

Task taken on:

Turns out I was already on a kind of unexpected vegan trial period these past few weeks, born out of summer-break-related food-boredom 🌱 so let's make it officially the september task! Basically I'm currently trying and reviewing all the vegan cheese and protein alternatives I can find in the supermarkets... My only non-vegan consumption in normal everyday-life: butter, cheese, and ice-cream and milk chocolate here and there. Cheese is difficult. Some of the alternatives I could find are honestly and sadly kind of inedible, but some are actually amazing. Yet to find a cheese alternative that actually tastes like cheese though... Is it even necessary? My heart still says yes... I just love cheese, the rest turned out to be easily avoidable for now. In the mid-term I might just end up being vegan, with one cheesy Gruyère exception a month... If you guys have some vegan cheese experience let me know :) let's see where this gets me for the rest of the month.


As for my vegan trial in September: it went really well! I replaced or removed a lot of my usual vegetarian animal consumption (butter, cheese) with alternatives and also experimented with vegan alternatives for other products. I found a nice cashew nut based wild garlic "cheese" in Billa that tasted good! I also tried the Beyond Burger alternative, which actually tastes amazing! Not exactly like meat (as far as I can remember from 7 years ago), but the texture and juiciness were very, very close. And when I was in Germany, I found a nice salami alternative at Rewe called "Mühlen Feinschmecker Salami" (as well as another one, but this one was better) - it actually tasted very close to what I remember salami tasting like. But then - I haven't really missed meat in recent years, I usually prefer some home-cooked alternative (instead of burgers, some pumpkin patties). So it will probably stay that way. But these 3-4 supermarket alternatives will definitely stay on my list :)